Monday, 10 August 2015
CRISPY PORK BELLY the #SALADMASTER way from #kjigskitchen
Hidup Sehat dengan Saladmaster : Menggoreng Babi Tanpa Minyak
Kontak kami :
Happy Healthy Cooking of Surabaya
Kertabumi EC-29A. Prambanan Residence. Surabaya
Phone/fax : 031-99000220, 08123105702, 082139553545, 08974455732
Email :
CRISPY PORK BELLY the #SALADMASTER way from #kjigskitchen
Hidup Sehat dengan Saladmaster : Menggoreng Baby Tanpa Minyak.
Kontak kami :
Happy Healthy Cooking of Surabaya
Kertabumi EC-29A. Prambanan Residence. Surabaya
Phone/Fax ; 031-99000220, 08123105702, 082139553545, 08974455732
Email :
Hidup Sehat dengan Saladmaster : Menggoreng Ayam Crispy Tanpa Minyak (Minyak dari Ayam keluar dengan sendirinya ketika dimasak sehingga membuat ayam goreng lebih sehat dimakan oleh Keluarga Anda).
Hubungi Kami :
Happy Healthy Cooking of Surabaya
Kertabumi EC-29A. Prambanan Residence. Surabaya
Phone/Fax : 031-99000220, 08123105702, 082139553545, 08974455732
Sunday, 9 August 2015
Masakan Bebas Kontaminasi Logam dan Nutrisi Tetap Terjaga Utuh
Masakan bebas kontaminasi logam dan nutrisi tetap terjaga utuh
Healthy Cooking mensponsor, melatih dan mempromosi Life Changer untuk merubah pola hidup orang banyak untuk hidup sehat.
Panci Saladmaster(R) ini made in USA, terbuat dari stainless steel 316 Ti Titanium. Masakan bebas kontaminasi logam dan nutrisi tetap terjaga utuh. Logamnya tidak berpori hingga masakan tidak lengket. Jaminan kualitas produk ini seumur hidup. Pemakaian panci merupakan salah satu cara menghindarkan kita dari kanker, kolestrol, darah tinggi dll. Motto Saladmaster adalah We Change lives, dimana kita merubah pola hidup menjadi hidup sehat dengan mengurangi makanan gorengan, garam, gula dan bumbu penyedap.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi kami : Happy Healthy Cooking of Surabaya. Kertabumi EC-29A. Prambanan Residence. Surabaya. Phone/Fax : 031-99000220, 08123105702, 082139553545, 08974455732
Monday, 13 July 2015
Pengaruh Makanan Bagi Kesehatan Anda
Pengaruh Makanan Bagi Kesehatan Anda
Masalah kesehatan berikut bisa diatasi dengan merubah pola makan :
- Penyakit Jantung
- Herpes
- Tekanan Darah Tinggi
- Kolesterol Tinggi
- Kekurangan Zat Besi
- Kanker Ginjal
- Batu Ginjal
- Kepadatan Tulang yang Rendah
- Kanker Paru-paru
- Migren
- Nyeri Haid
- Kanker Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
- Obesitas
- Osteoporosis
- Kanker Ovarium
- Kanker Pankreas
- Kanker Prostat
- Kejang
- Anemia Sel Sabit
- Stroke
- Kanker Testis
- Infeksi Saluran Kencing
- Defisiensi Vitamin D
Pikirkan Hal Ini :
Tubuh memiliki cara penyembuhan dan perlindungan yang sangat menakjubkan jika kita selalu memberikan makanan yang tepat dan gaya hidup yang benar, bahkan setelah kita mengalami penyakit yang serius.
Ketika kita mengisi tubuh kita dengan makanan yang tepat, Anda akan merasa takjub dengan betapa baiknya kondisi tubuh Anda sekarang!
Saladmaster mempertahankan 93% nutrisi alami makanan. Saladmaster membantu memperkuat system daya tahan tubuh dengan mempertahankan vitamin dan mineral alami makanan yang kita makan.
Bagaimana cara Anda menyiapkan makanan yang akan Anda makan bisa berarti penting terhadap kesehatan Anda.
Makanan yang sehat membangun system daya tahan tubuh yang kuat, yang akan melindungi tubuh dari berbagai ragam penyakit. Untuk menikmati manfaat nutrisi makanan diperlukan metode memasak dengan cara yang sehat.
Teknologi memasak Saladmaster memaksimalkan nutrisi dan rasa dengan menghilangkan lima cara memasak yang mengambil nutrisi dari makanan kita.
- Mengupas
- Memasak dengan air
- Panas berlebihan dan mendidihkan
- Oksidasi melalui cahaya dan udara
- Lemak dan minyak
Perasaan lebih baik. Perasaan lebih baik. Panjang Umur dengan Saladmaster cookware.
Happy Healthy Cooking of Surabaya
Phone/fax : 031-99000220
HP : 08123105702, 082139553545
Email :
Happy Healthy Cooking of Surabaya
Phone/fax : 031-99000220
HP : 08123105702, 082139553545
Email :
(titanium stainless steel)
Kandungan 316 Ti Titanium Stainless Steel dapat :
- Menjaga kualitas, kemurnian dan rasa makanan
- Tidak bereaksi negatif terhadap asam dan enzym yang terdapat pada makanan
- Mudah dibersihkan
Panci dibuat dengan beberapa lapis :
- Penghantar panas pada bagian bawah, samping, atas untuk memasak makanan menjadi sempurna
- Pegangan handle yang nyaman
- Dapat dilepas untuk memudahkan pemakaian, penyajian dan penyimpanan
- Permukaan halus saat dipegang
- Mudah untuk dibersihkan
- Dapat diganti dengan pegangan yang panjang atau pendek
- Tidak makan tempat saat disimpan di lemari
- Dapat dipakai memasak dengan segala jenis kompor
- Berkilau sepanjang masa
Ergonomically Designed Handles
- Mudah untuk diangkat
- Pegangan nyaman
- Metode kontrol panas yang mudah dan dapat diandalkan
- Tidak perlu mengawasi panci
- Mengingatkan pengguna apabila sudah waktunya untuk mengurangi panas dari api SEDANG ke api KECIL
- Memasak dengan panas yang rendah menghemat energi
- Memasak dengan waktu yang singkat, hemat energi
- Meningkatkan rasa makanan dan menjaga kandungan nutrisi
- Tutup yang kedap udara
Saladmaster, We Change Lives
Saladmaster menghemat Energi anda,
Peralatan dan kebiasaan memasak yang baik merupakan jalan terbaik untuk menghemat energi di dapur. American Council for an Energy - Efficient Economy/ Dewan Amerika untuk ekonomi yang hemat energi menyatakan sebagai berikut:
Apabila kia menyadari bagaimana kita memasak, peralatan yang digunakan, atau cara memasak sendiri , maka penggunaan energi kompor dapat dihemat hingga 50 persen. Peralatan masak kami dirancang untuk memasak dengan pemanasan yang rendah, menggunakan teknologi setengah hampa udara sehingga menghasilkan pemanasan yang sempurna dan efisien.
Hal ini membantu penghematan energi, rekening gas , NUTRISI dalam makan dapat DIMAKSIMALKAN.
Selain menghemat uang, juga meningkatkan Kualitas makanan karena dapat memelihara semua NUTRISI yang ada.
Anda juga dapat lihat ketika makan makanan yang sehat, padat gizi dengan biji bijian dan sayuran yang berserat tinggi , anda akan MERASA KENYANG dszengan porsi kecil.
Saladmaster membantu anasda menjaga agar makanan anda tetap bergizi dan menghemat uang .
Saladmaster : Menyiapkan Makanan dengan dengan gaya ramah lingkungan.
Tujuan : kelebihan Saladmaster, 316 Titanium Stainless SteelSaladmaster menggunakan sebuah Thermal Core / inti pemanas yang berlapis - lapis sehingga memungkinkan penyaluran panas yang menyeluruh dan merata pada peralatan masak, dengan demikian TIDAK PERLU MEMERIKSA DAN MENGADUK-ADUK MASAKAN.
Lapisan yang PALING PENTING pada Saladmaster adalah lapisan logam yang bersentuhan langsung dengan makanan anda.
Saladmaster memakai teknologi 316 Ti yang memadukan Stainless Steel dengan Titanium.
Kami satu satunya yang memproduksi sistem peralatan masak menggunakan teknologi ini.
Saladmaster mencengah reaksi kimia atas makanan, mudah dibersihkan karena tidak berpori.
Saladmaster Solusi anda untuk kebahagiaan dalam memasak seumur hidup.
Saladmaster Limited Lifetime Warranty.
Saladmaster Corporate office and Customer Servica.
230 Westway Place, 101
Arlington,Texas 76018.
We Change Lives.
dr. Elisabeth Subrata - jakarta.
Penulis buku Rahasia Umur Panjang meferensikan produk ini.
Bila berminat dan ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi :
Happy Healthy Cooking of Surabaya
Kertabumi EC-29A. Prambanan Residence, Surabaya
Phone/Fax : 031-99000220. HP : 08123105702, 082139553545
Email :
Kesadaran untuk hidup sehat
Tidak mudah untuk menjaga agar tubuh kita tetap sehat. Dewasa ini zat kimia sudah diaplikasikan di berbagai bidang. Ada yang bermanfaat, tapi ada juga yang pelan-pelan malah menimbulkan penyakit, polusi udara, air dan makanan yang tercemar juga menjadi musuh utama kesehatan.
Perlu adanya gerakan hidup sehat di masyarakat karena apa yang kita makan akan memengaruhi kesehatan, emosi, penampilan dan kwalitas kehidupan kita.
Bagi sebagian kelompok masyarakat kesadaran untuk hidup sehat rupanya mulai menjadi pilihan / tren. Olah raga sepertinya masih menjadi pilihan utama karena itu kita dapat melihat bertumbuhnya kelompok-kelompok senam, jalan sehat, lari pagi, bersepeda dan klub-klub kebugaran / fitness dll.
Hal lainnya dapat kita lihat dari keinginan untuk kembali kealam, dimulai dari memilih untuk menkonsumsi makanan yang bernutrisi baik entah itu sayuran organik, buah organik, juga ikan dan daging yang segar dan aman. Bagi sebagian masyarakat yang lebih mampu secara ekonomi mereka juga mengkonsumsi food supplement yang alami dan aman, serta menghindari gaya hidup yang sering dituding menjadi biang keladi memburuknya kesehatan tubuh yaitu makanan cepat saji, makanan yang mengandung zat pengawet, pewarna, perasa, makanan yang mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya seperti sayuran yang mengandung pestisida atau daging ayam yang disuntik hormon pertumbuhan, menghindari polusi air, udara dan asap rokok yang sering dianggap sebagai penyebab kanker dan penyakit-penyakit degeneratif lain
Bahaya dibalik alat masak yang kita gunakan
Sejauh ini untuk menjaga kesehatan seringkali kita masih hanya peduli dengan makanan yang yang kita konsumsi, padahal tanpa kita sadari alat masakpun berpotensi besar menyebarkan racun ditubuh kita. Mengapa begitu? Karena ternyata alat masak bisa melepas racun ( migrasi logam, plastic dll masuk kemasakan) saat kita memasak bahan makanan dalam alat masak tersebut.
Alat masak yang terbuat dari bahan anti lengket, misalnya, bisa menyebabkan kanker dan mengeluarkan polymer fume yang berbahaya buat paru-paru. Contoh lainnya adalah alat masak dari aluminium atau aluminium foil yang akan bereaksi kimia bila terkena asam cuka, asam tomat, asam jawa, asam jeruk, dan sebagainya.
Di Amerika, sebuah perusahaan besar pembuat alat masak yang terbuat dari bahan anti lengket, telah didenda karena menyembunyikan informasi berbahaya. Pemerintah Amerika melalui US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), baru mengetahui setelah teflon digunakan selama 50 tahun.
Menurut veterinarian, Darrel K. Styles, Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) yang lebih dikenal sebagai teflon, mengandung yang namanya PTFE intoxicosis. Zat tersebut adalah gas beracun yang cepat dan mematikan tanpa tanda-tanda peringatan. PTFE beracun disebabkan keluar gas dari bahan tidak lengket (nonstick materials) pada peralatan masak dari banyak merek lainnya.
Gas PTFE menyebabkan gangguan pernafasan serius, sesak nafas, meracuni darah, sakit kepala, batuk, radang tenggorokan, dan panas. Gejala tersebut mirip dengan flu biasa hingga tidak disadari oleh para penggunanya (lihat google-flu Teflon).
Anti lengket dibuat dari Perfluorooctnic Acid (PFOA) yang juga digunakan untuk coating pembuatan jas hujan, agar alat masak tersebut tidak lengket. PFOA diklasifikasikan EPA sebagai persistence chemical and a potential carcinogen (bahan kimia yang tidak larut dan potensi penyebab kanker).
Selain itu, PFOA juga ditengarai dapat menyebabkan pengaruh negatif terhadap hormon, sel saraf, dan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Bahaya zat kimia tersebut dapat menyerang siapa saja, tanpa dibatasi umur maupun jenis kelamin.
Berdasarkan penelitian, akibat banyaknya penggunaan alat masak berbahan anti lengket ( lihat dapur anda anda pasti juga punya anti lengket ) , didapati 95% darah penduduk Amerika mengandung unsur teflon. Sekarang, produk anti lengket di Amerika mencantumkan label bahaya teflon sebagaimana dilakukan produk rokok.
Memasak yang salah membuang Nutrisi yang diperlukan tubuh.
Sebagai pemerhati kesehatan mungkin kita akan sangat memperhatikan kwalitas dan keamanan bahan yang kita gunakan untuk memasak, misalnya untuk sayurnya kita menggunakan yang organic, bumbu dan lainnya kita menggunakan yang alami, namun pemahaman cara mengolah makanan yang benar dan penggunaan alat masak yang aman sangat menentukan kesehatan kita.
Di samping dapat memicu timbulnya berbagai penyakit, alat masak juga bisa membuang unsur-unsur terbaik dari masakan. Misalnya, bila kita diharuskan untuk memasak dengan suhu yang tinggi, menggunakan minyak atau air, maka nutrisi masakan akan banyak berkurang atau hilang sehingga yang kita makan sebenarnya sudah sangat sedikit mengandung nutrisi.
Untuk itu, diperlukan alat masak yang benar-benar tidak meracuni masakan dan mampu mengakomodasi cara memasak yang sehat. Agar masakan yang kita makan pun bermanfaat buat tubuh dan bukan menabur benih penyakit.
Saladmaster - Pilihan Alat Masak Aman dan Sehat
Hingga saat ini, masih sangat sedikit sekali pilihan alat masak yang aman dan sehat. Kalau pun ada, harganya bisa saja relatif mahal. Sebut saja Saladmaster yang sampai sekarang masih harus diimpor dari Amerika.
Saladmaster terbuat dari logam 316 Ti Titanium Stainless Steel, logam yang biasa digunakan dalam bidang kedokteran ini, merupakan yang pertama dan satu-satunya di dunia yang digunakan sebagai alat masak.
Keunggulan Saladmaster, masakan tidak akan terkontaminasi unsur logam ( tidak terjadi migrasi logam dll yang larut masuk kedalam masakan hal ini dapat dibuktikan melalui test laboratorium maupun test sederhana ), Saladmaster mampu menjaga 93% vitamin dan mineral tetap ada dalam makanan, serta mengurangi resiko penyakit kanker-jantung-diabetes dan lain-lain.
Penggunaan alat masak ini juga mampu untuk mengurangi penggunaan garam dan gula dalam masakan. Saladmaster dapat digunakan untuk mengukus ikan atau sayuran tanpa air, menggoreng ayam atau kulit lumpia basah tanpa minyak dan tidak lengket, membuat tim ayam garam tanpa air hanya dalam 20 menit dengan rasa yang enak dan empuk, atau merebus telur tanpa air.
Rasa alami dari sayuran, ikan, ayam, telur dan daging dapat kita rasakan.
Alat masak ini pun dibuat agar mampu menerapkan sistem memasak semi vacum. Sehingga bila panas sudah mencukupi, Vapo valve ( katup / indicator ) khusus akan keluar dan menimbulkan bunyi. Inilah metode kontrol panas yang mudah dan dapat diandalkan. Kita tidak perlu lagi mengawasi wajan. Katup akan keluar sendiri bila sudah waktunya mengurangi panas.
Selain bisa merusak nutrisi makanan, kelebihan panas saat memasak, juga bisa memboroskan bahan bakar. Dengan alat masak ini, bila katup sudah berbunyi, api bisa dikecilkan (api lilin) sehingga penggunaan bahan bakar akan sangat berkurang.
Distribusi panasnya pun sempurna sehingga kita tidak perlu mengaduk-aduk masakan. Apalagi alat masak ini juga dilengkapi dengan kontrol panas digital yang akurat sehingga panas pun bisa konsisten. Tapi, alat masak ini bukan presto yang bisa merusak unsur vitamin dan mineral makanan.
Satu lagi yang istimewa dari Saladmaster adalah kemampuanya untuk mengurangi pemakaian minyak dan lemak. Lemak sendiri mampu menyebabkan penyumbatan pada pembuluh arteri. Makanya, kandungan lemak ini harus dikurangi pada masakan.
Menurut Choice for a Heathy Heart oleh Joseph C. Piscatell yang ditulis Dr. Denton A. Cooley, dari penelitian yang ada, 1 dari 3 anak memiliki kemungkinan terkena serangan jantung pada usia 14 tahun. Juga, terdapat lebih dari 50% kemungkinan bahwa anak-anak pada usia 7 tahun memiliki penyumbatan arteri.
Mungkin untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh, anda sudah ber olah-raga, anda juga membeli bahan- bahan masak yang bermutu dan serba organik , namun jika pengolahan bahan tersebut salah, alat masak yang anda gunakan malah meracuni masakan anda, ada baiknya anda harus mulai memikirkan untuk menggunakan Saladmaster.
Saladmaster sangat sesuai dengan misi hidup serba organik yang menjadi tren masyarakat pemerhati kesehatan saat ini. Dengan alat masak ini, lengkap sudah gaya hidup anda yang serba organik.
Salad master mengubah kehidupan ( we change lives ).
Panci Saladmaster(R) ini made in USA, terbuat dari stainless steel 316 Ti Titanium. Masakan bebas kontaminasi logam dan nutrisi tetap terjaga utuh. Logamnya tidak berpori hingga masakan tidak lengket. Jaminan kualitas produk ini untuk seumur hidup.
Pemakaian panci merupakan salah satu cara menghindarkan kita dari kanker, kolestrol, darah tinggi dll.
Motto Saladmaster adalah We Change lives, dimana kita merubah pola hidup menjadi hidup sehat dengan mengurangi makanan gorengan, garam, gula dan bumbu penyedap
Rupanya bagi pemerhati kesehatan untuk berpindah ke alat masak Saladmaster sudah merupakan suatu keharusan.
Happy Healthy Cooking of Surabaya
Kertabumi EC-29A. Prambanan Residence, Surabaya
Phone/Fax : 031-99000220. HP : 08123105702, 082139553545
Email :
Customer testimonial of SALADMASTER
Family Eats Less, Easier Weight Control
I purchased the Saladmaster system strictly for the health benefits. I have studied nutrition for years and know that the level of nutrients in our food today has become so limited. Even though I buy fresh from the organic farms as much as possible the nutrients available in our foods today have significantly decreased. Spinach grown in 1953 had approximately 10 times as much iron as spinach grown today!! Knowing that the foods in the grocery stores have no where near the nutritional value as they should the mere thought of reducing the nutrients more is extremely disturbing to me.
As the parent of five children the health and well being of those children is my number one priority and I personally feel my responsibility. Anything that I can do to help ensure optimum health and nutrition for my family I will do it. So although it was explained very clearly that I could save 20% on my food and energy bill per month that was not the motivating factor for me. Saving money was an interesting added bonus, but I wasn’t sure that I believed my growing teenage children and their many friends would actually eat less just because the food tasted better and contained more nutrients. Boy, was I WRONG!
It took my husband and myself about four weeks to stop overcooking! Everyone was loving the meals, but we were getting all these left overs. We couldn’t believe how much less we needed to cook and yet everyone was full!!! We still find it hard to understand. The children just love the food and even they notice the difference in taste.
The decrease in the volume of food we were all eating was of great interest to me, so to try to understand this my husband and I researched this further. We concluded two possible reasons:
1. Since this system doesn’t cause as much shrinkage to the food there is physically more bulk to the food, thus causing us to eat less.
2. Since there is significantly more taste and nutritional content in the food, our body gets the nutrients it needs and is satisfied faster.
Another added benefit to this is, you eat less, so less calories and easier weight control.
I strongly recommend the Saladmaster cooking system. As stated above my decision was solely based on the health value it offered. The fact that there is a noticeable savings in our grocery & utility bill is an added bonus. This system really does pay for itself.
Stacey Scott
A Better Mother & Wife Providing Good Wholesome Food to Her Family!
Let me begin by saying that when I decided to go to a Saladmaster party, my husband and I firmly agreed that we would not get manipulated into buying anything because we did not want to get ourselves caught up in any sort of gimmick.
As our host went through the many details regarding Saladmaster’s guarantees and then the food demonstration, at that point both my husband and I were sure this was something that we wanted to invest our money into.
I have grown to love my Saladmaster and stand behind it 100%. Saladmaster has brought our family so much in terms of healthy eating, time efficiency and even savings. Before Saladmaster, our families eating habits on busy days consisted of fast food restaurants, Mr. Noodle soup, Kraft dinner, late night dinners and eating in the car. Now, we have time to quickly whip something a lot healthier and in only 25-30 min’s our family can now sit down together and enjoy a meal that better equips our body and mind. Also, with no food shrinkage, our food goes much further which also helps reduce food costs. An extra bonus is that the food tastes absolutely wonderful. To have the natural flavors and nutrients that are so rich and tasty that there is no need for all that salt and “extras” that many of us would find ourselves adding in order to enhance any flavor possible. I feel fuller, healthier and efficient as a mother and wife who is providing good wholesome food to her family.
As an extra bonus, the clean up is so quick and easy that it makes cooking enjoyable because you don’t dread the clean up afterwards. Amazingly, my husband now enjoys cooking because there is no threat of burning the food! I also love the fact that I can use my stainless steel cooking utensils knowing that I am not damaging the surface of the pots and pans because I can make it shiny as new again, and are ensured that no nasty substances are being added to my meals because of the surface being scratched.
Thank you Saladmaster for your product; it is truly something that we highly recommend as a great investment for your family’s cooking.
Melissa McVety
Healthier Food for My Baby!
My husband and I bought our Saladmaster set about 3.5 years ago when we found out that we were pregnant with our first child. I was impressed with the potential health benefits of eliminating many toxins from entering our bodies and our baby’s developing body through our food, and becoming healthier by eliminating oil and fats in our cooking.
When our little girl was getting ready to try solid foods, I felt that the best foods to introduce to her would be ones that are made from fresh foods, prepared naturally without any additives. I decided to undertake making all her foods myself. It turned out to be the best choice we could have made. Not only was our Saladmaster cookware able to give us the most healthfully prepared foods for our little one, we also saved a lot of money by not buying commercially prepared foods.
Also, making the baby food was easy. We simply bought fresh organic produce, “medium, click, low” until soft, and finally mashed it to the right consistency. To store extra baby food, we used an ice-cube tray and filled each cube with food and put it in the freezer. Once frozen, we simply popped out the cubes and stored them in freezer bags in the freezer until we were ready to use them within the next couple of weeks.
Now, after the birth of our second child, we are looking forward to being able to provide him with the same kinds of naturally prepared baby foods as his sister had.
Corey Zylstra
Proper "Tools" to Provide Healthy Meals for the Ones We Love
We thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and the meal you prepared for us. What an education on cookware! We in turn, thought you might be interested in knowing (for future reference at your dinner parties) that the cost of tools accrued by a mechanic is considerably greater than one might expect.
In our fuel and lubrication additive business we deal with mechanics every day and it is not uncommon for them to have an average of $40,000 tied up in their tools. Some have over $100,000 invested and it is rare to find someone with a collection of less than $20,000 in tools.
Of course, that is their livelihood. But then, eating is a necessity and there is no substitute for home-cooked meals (especially when faced with all of the health risks of today). We would never ask a mechanic to do his job with just a hammer, a screwdriver and a pair of pliers, because the amount of time it would take him would push the labor costs through the roof and the safety of the passengers of the vehicles would be highly questionable.
I, for one, am very thankful they care enough to do the job right (for people they don’t even know) that they will spend the amount needed for the correct instruments. How much more so should we give a cook the proper “tools” to provide healthy meals for the ones they love on a daily basis? Thank you for opening our eyes to the benefits of quality cookware.
Matthew & Kimberly Duell
Physician Concerned about Harmful Elements from Pots & Pans
It was a pleasure to have you in our home demonstrating the Saladmaster line of cookware. Besides being an enjoyable evening, it was most informative as you truly proved the benefits of the Saladmaster method of cooking.
Decreased cooking times, decreased volumes of ingredients and, most importantly, a healthier way of consuming one’s food. It makes perfect sense that the last item to touch one’s food should not be contaminated by copper, iron or a variety of harmful elements that have been boiled or cooked into our food over the years.
As a physician and, particularly a parent, I am convinced that using our Saladmaster cookware will not only reduce the stress of preparing meals, but will also provide my family with a healthier life-style. There are so many harmful contaminants already in our environment, why add more to the body by cooking them into our food?!
I have no hesitation in recommending the Saladmaster Cooking System.
Yours very truly,
Dr. Alan J. Brookstone
Energy Has Picked Up 100%
Dear Saladmaster Gang,
I wanted to drop you a note and tell you how much my family and I enjoy Saladmaster. Melinda Bell put on an excellent presentation and after the dinner we were sold on your product.
I really like the health benefits that Saladmaster offers. My wife and I really didn’t enjoy cooking so we ate out a lot. My side of the family has a history of high cholesterol and it is pretty hard finding a restaurant that offers low fat food. Now that we have Saladmaster cooking is so easy and fun, I can’t remember the last time we ate out!
The most exciting aspect of Saladmaster is that my energy level has picked up 100%. Our son J.R. is two and a half years old and it takes a lot of energy and time to keep up with his schedule. I feel like I need 36 hours in a day. The way I feel after eating meals prepared in Saladmaster the standard 24 hours is sufficient.
Saladmaster has made our family feel great. It has also provided a hobby that my wife and I can enjoy doing together. Thanks again for introducing us to the healthy ways of Saladmaster.
Sincerely yours,
Jim Thal
Family Eats Less, Easier Weight Control
I purchased the Saladmaster system strictly for the health benefits. I have studied nutrition for years and know that the level of nutrients in our food today has become so limited. Even though I buy fresh from the organic farms as much as possible the nutrients available in our foods today have significantly decreased. Spinach grown in 1953 had approximately 10 times as much iron as spinach grown today!! Knowing that the foods in the grocery stores have no where near the nutritional value as they should the mere thought of reducing the nutrients more is extremely disturbing to me.
As the parent of five children the health and well being of those children is my number one priority and I personally feel my responsibility. Anything that I can do to help ensure optimum health and nutrition for my family I will do it. So although it was explained very clearly that I could save 20% on my food and energy bill per month that was not the motivating factor for me. Saving money was an interesting added bonus, but I wasn’t sure that I believed my growing teenage children and their many friends would actually eat less just because the food tasted better and contained more nutrients. Boy, was I WRONG!
It took my husband and myself about four weeks to stop overcooking! Everyone was loving the meals, but we were getting all these left overs. We couldn’t believe how much less we needed to cook and yet everyone was full!!! We still find it hard to understand. The children just love the food and even they notice the difference in taste.
The decrease in the volume of food we were all eating was of great interest to me, so to try to understand this my husband and I researched this further. We concluded two possible reasons:
1. Since this system doesn’t cause as much shrinkage to the food there is physically more bulk to the food, thus causing us to eat less.
2. Since there is significantly more taste and nutritional content in the food, our body gets the nutrients it needs and is satisfied faster.
Another added benefit to this is, you eat less, so less calories and easier weight control.
I strongly recommend the Saladmaster cooking system. As stated above my decision was solely based on the health value it offered. The fact that there is a noticeable savings in our grocery & utility bill is an added bonus. This system really does pay for itself.
Stacey Scott
A Better Mother & Wife Providing Good Wholesome Food to Her Family!
Let me begin by saying that when I decided to go to a Saladmaster party, my husband and I firmly agreed that we would not get manipulated into buying anything because we did not want to get ourselves caught up in any sort of gimmick.
As our host went through the many details regarding Saladmaster’s guarantees and then the food demonstration, at that point both my husband and I were sure this was something that we wanted to invest our money into.
I have grown to love my Saladmaster and stand behind it 100%. Saladmaster has brought our family so much in terms of healthy eating, time efficiency and even savings. Before Saladmaster, our families eating habits on busy days consisted of fast food restaurants, Mr. Noodle soup, Kraft dinner, late night dinners and eating in the car. Now, we have time to quickly whip something a lot healthier and in only 25-30 min’s our family can now sit down together and enjoy a meal that better equips our body and mind. Also, with no food shrinkage, our food goes much further which also helps reduce food costs. An extra bonus is that the food tastes absolutely wonderful. To have the natural flavors and nutrients that are so rich and tasty that there is no need for all that salt and “extras” that many of us would find ourselves adding in order to enhance any flavor possible. I feel fuller, healthier and efficient as a mother and wife who is providing good wholesome food to her family.
As an extra bonus, the clean up is so quick and easy that it makes cooking enjoyable because you don’t dread the clean up afterwards. Amazingly, my husband now enjoys cooking because there is no threat of burning the food! I also love the fact that I can use my stainless steel cooking utensils knowing that I am not damaging the surface of the pots and pans because I can make it shiny as new again, and are ensured that no nasty substances are being added to my meals because of the surface being scratched.
Thank you Saladmaster for your product; it is truly something that we highly recommend as a great investment for your family’s cooking.
Melissa McVety
Healthier Food for My Baby!
My husband and I bought our Saladmaster set about 3.5 years ago when we found out that we were pregnant with our first child. I was impressed with the potential health benefits of eliminating many toxins from entering our bodies and our baby’s developing body through our food, and becoming healthier by eliminating oil and fats in our cooking.
When our little girl was getting ready to try solid foods, I felt that the best foods to introduce to her would be ones that are made from fresh foods, prepared naturally without any additives. I decided to undertake making all her foods myself. It turned out to be the best choice we could have made. Not only was our Saladmaster cookware able to give us the most healthfully prepared foods for our little one, we also saved a lot of money by not buying commercially prepared foods.
Also, making the baby food was easy. We simply bought fresh organic produce, “medium, click, low” until soft, and finally mashed it to the right consistency. To store extra baby food, we used an ice-cube tray and filled each cube with food and put it in the freezer. Once frozen, we simply popped out the cubes and stored them in freezer bags in the freezer until we were ready to use them within the next couple of weeks.
Now, after the birth of our second child, we are looking forward to being able to provide him with the same kinds of naturally prepared baby foods as his sister had.
Corey Zylstra
Proper "Tools" to Provide Healthy Meals for the Ones We Love
We thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and the meal you prepared for us. What an education on cookware! We in turn, thought you might be interested in knowing (for future reference at your dinner parties) that the cost of tools accrued by a mechanic is considerably greater than one might expect.
In our fuel and lubrication additive business we deal with mechanics every day and it is not uncommon for them to have an average of $40,000 tied up in their tools. Some have over $100,000 invested and it is rare to find someone with a collection of less than $20,000 in tools.
Of course, that is their livelihood. But then, eating is a necessity and there is no substitute for home-cooked meals (especially when faced with all of the health risks of today). We would never ask a mechanic to do his job with just a hammer, a screwdriver and a pair of pliers, because the amount of time it would take him would push the labor costs through the roof and the safety of the passengers of the vehicles would be highly questionable.
I, for one, am very thankful they care enough to do the job right (for people they don’t even know) that they will spend the amount needed for the correct instruments. How much more so should we give a cook the proper “tools” to provide healthy meals for the ones they love on a daily basis? Thank you for opening our eyes to the benefits of quality cookware.
Matthew & Kimberly Duell
Physician Concerned about Harmful Elements from Pots & Pans
It was a pleasure to have you in our home demonstrating the Saladmaster line of cookware. Besides being an enjoyable evening, it was most informative as you truly proved the benefits of the Saladmaster method of cooking.
Decreased cooking times, decreased volumes of ingredients and, most importantly, a healthier way of consuming one’s food. It makes perfect sense that the last item to touch one’s food should not be contaminated by copper, iron or a variety of harmful elements that have been boiled or cooked into our food over the years.
As a physician and, particularly a parent, I am convinced that using our Saladmaster cookware will not only reduce the stress of preparing meals, but will also provide my family with a healthier life-style. There are so many harmful contaminants already in our environment, why add more to the body by cooking them into our food?!
I have no hesitation in recommending the Saladmaster Cooking System.
Yours very truly,
Dr. Alan J. Brookstone
Energy Has Picked Up 100%
Dear Saladmaster Gang,
I wanted to drop you a note and tell you how much my family and I enjoy Saladmaster. Melinda Bell put on an excellent presentation and after the dinner we were sold on your product.
I really like the health benefits that Saladmaster offers. My wife and I really didn’t enjoy cooking so we ate out a lot. My side of the family has a history of high cholesterol and it is pretty hard finding a restaurant that offers low fat food. Now that we have Saladmaster cooking is so easy and fun, I can’t remember the last time we ate out!
The most exciting aspect of Saladmaster is that my energy level has picked up 100%. Our son J.R. is two and a half years old and it takes a lot of energy and time to keep up with his schedule. I feel like I need 36 hours in a day. The way I feel after eating meals prepared in Saladmaster the standard 24 hours is sufficient.
Saladmaster has made our family feel great. It has also provided a hobby that my wife and I can enjoy doing together. Thanks again for introducing us to the healthy ways of Saladmaster.
Sincerely yours,
Jim Thal
Friday, 26 June 2015
North American Nutrition
Flaxseed - Biji Rami merupakan sumber makanan dari hasil bumi yang sangat kaya Asam Lemak Omega-3 essensial. Kandungan utama dalam Flaxseed yaitu Asam Lemak Omega-3 essensial, Lignan dan Serat sangat berperan dalam pencegahan perkembangan sel-sel kanker dan peningkatan kepekaan insulin yang berfungsi untuk pengendalian kadar gula darah.
Apa perbedaan manfaat Flaxseed dalam bentuk biji utuh dengan yang sudah digiling?
Perbedaan utama adalah biji utuh bisa bertahan sekitar 3,5 tahun sedangkan yang sudah digiling sekitar 1,5 tahun. Kadar nutrisi tidak ada perbedaan antara satu dengan yang lain bila proses penggilingan dilakukan dengan sistim cooling, dan langsung dikemas dalam kantong yang hambat udara dan sinar matahari.
Kandungan nutrisi utama dalam 2 sendok makan (15 gr Flaxseed)
- Asam lemak Omega-3 essential 3.160 mg
- Lignan (zat anti kanker) 55.000 iu
- Serat 4.200 mg
- Protein 3.800 mg
- Kalori 80 kal
Aneka manfaat lain Flaxseed
- Untuk kesehatan jantung, fungsi otak dan seluruh sel-sel tubuh.
- Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dan stamina
- Berfungsi sebagai zat anti inflamasi/peradangan
- Mengoptimalkan metabolisme tubuh
- Melancarkan peredaran oksigen dalam tubuh
- Meningkatkan kesehatan ginjal
- Meringankan efek menopause pada wanita
- Melancarkan pembuangan kotoran dari tubuh
- Memperlambat penuaan dini
- Mengurangi pertumbuhan sebum yang menyebabkan jerawat atau bisul
Takaran pemakaian
- Dewasa/kondisi sehat dan normal 2 sendok makan/hari
- Dewasa/bermasalah ringan 4 sendok makan/hari
- Dewasa/untuk terapi 10 gr per 15 kg berat badan
- Balita 2-5 tahun 1 sendok teh/hari
- Anak-anak 6-12 tahun 1 sendok makan/hari
- Remaja 1,5-2 sendok makan/hari
Tapi ingat, agar tubuh Anda dapat menyerap nutrisi Flaxseed dengan lebih baik, sangat dianjurkan minum lebih banyak air pada saat mengkonsumsi Flaxseed. Dianjurkan minum 250 cc - 300 cc air bila mengkonsumsi 2 sendok makan flaxseed.
Bagaimana cara mengkonsumsi Flaxseed?
Flaxseed dapat dikonsumsi secara mentah. Dengan bentuknya yang berupa serpihan halus, Flaxseed sangat mudah dikonsumsi dan tidak mengubah citarasa makanan ataupun minuman yang akan Anda konsumsi. Cukup dengan membubuhkan 2 sendok makan serpihan Flaxseed ke dalam makanan atau minuman Anda sehari-hari seperti pada bubur nasi, salad, sup, air, madu, susu, susu kacang, sereal dan lainnya. Segera rasakan daya nutrisi yang dikandung Flaxseed bagi peningkatan kesehatan Anda.
Tips praktis penyajian Flaxseed
Bahan :
- 2 sendok makan penuh Flaxseed
- 1/2-1 sendok makan madu
- 100 ml air panas (60-70 derajat C)
- 100 ml air mineral
- 200 ml air mineral
- Taruh 2 sendok makan penuh Flaxseed dalam sebuah gelas
- Masukkan 100 ml air panas (60-70 derajat C)
- Aduk merata selama 30 detik
- Tambahkan 1/2-1 sdm madu
- Aduk merata kembali lalu tutup dan diamkan selama 5 menit
- Tambahkan 100 ml air mineral
- Aduk merata kembali
- Sediaan flaxseed siap diminum
jangan lupa minum 100-200 ml air setelahnya.
Pola penyajian :
- Menjaga kesehatan : 1 x/hari - pagi hari
- Mempertahankan berat badan : 1-2x/hari, pagi dan sore
- Membantu mengatasi kolesterol : 2x/hari, pagi dan malam
- Membantu menjaga kadar gula darah : 2x/hari, pagi dan sore
- Mengatasi sembelit : 1-2x/hari, pagi dan malam
- Anak usia sekolah : sesuai anjuran dokter
- Orang tua : 2x1 sendok makan flaxseed/hari, pagi dan sore
- Lain-lain : sesuai anjuran dokter
Happy Healthy Cooking of Surabaya
Kertabumi EC-29A. Prambanan Residence, Surabaya
Phone/Fax : 031-99000220, HP : 08123105702, 082139553545
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